Harmony Guides
New Validators
Official Companion
Server Setup
Hardware Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Hardware requirements from the official guide and our notes.

Standard Regular Ubuntu Linux Server Node Requirements

Our notes to use along with the official Harmony ONE Validator documentation

Server Requirements

Here's the current recommended hardware from Harmony Foundation: From the official Harmony Guide 9/12/2021

Here's our recommendations today:

  • Bare metal server rental (no shared VPS)
  • CPU - 8 dedicated CPUs
  • Memory - 16GB should work but 32GB+ is recommeneded
  • Disk - NvME disks
  • OS - Ubuntu 20.04/22.04LTS
  • Network - 1GBPS+ bandwidth with at least 6TB> month cap (uncapped best for instabilitiy of the network)
  • Providers - We no longer recommend Digital Ocean, Vultr, AWS, GCP or Azure as they are not sufficient or too expensive


Before we talk about providers let's discuss storage. Make sure you have enough space as we're currently adding over 300GB a month due to transaction increases.

Database Sizes on 9/12/2021

Digital Ocean has the option to use "Volumes" that can be easily expanded (opens in a new tab) when more space is required to help with cost savings.